About Me
I have been a midwife for 50 years and also an NCT Teacher.
I am the mother of three plus a Foster Daughter and I have 12 grandchildren 9 of whom I was the midwife for.
I have retired from active midwifery but now speak, write and discuss those areas of my profession which fascinate me.
I am available for advice when needed. There is no charge for this service.
I am also eager to help the spread of continuity of midwifery care and will speak about ways of implementing this free of charge having set up and worked in this way for many years. Just ask!

Sensitive Midwifery: New 2024 Edition
This new and enlarged edition gives even more practical advice for today's midwife, student midwife and birthkeeper, but it also explores the ethical and moral dilemmas that face today's practitioner. The delightful illustrations by Helen Chown keep the book fascinating, fun and easy to read, and the input and wise editing of Deborah Hughes add great depth to what will become essential reading for every midwife. Lots of practical advice, from positions in labour, to breastfeeding, to setting up support groups for women, midwives and families.
Born out of a total of nearly a century of midwifery practice, this book charts the way through the moral dilemmas and difficulties which face today's midwife (and obstetrician) and has been used by medical students to learn how to suture, how to perform a caesarean section and, at the same time, how to care for women gently and sensitively.
Buy this book for your favourite midwife or medical student.
The Truth about Home Birth
Are you telling women the truth?
As midwives we have a duty to tell women the truth about their care and their choices. There has been so much research into the safety of home birth, it is time that every woman should be told that the research shows that booking for a home birth ensures much better outcomes for women – wherever they eventually give birth.
Half a million women booked for home birth- meta analysis from countries with well organised home birth services – UK, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand and Australia – where midwives are well trained and supported by hospital colleagues when transferring.
The health outcomes for mothers and babies were the same as for those mothers and babies who were booked for hospital birth but there were big differences in other outcomes.
When women were booked for a home birth (regardless of where they actually gave birth)
40% less needed a caesarean section.
50% were less likely to have an instrumental delivery.
55% were less likely to have an episiotomy.
40% were less likely to have a 3rd or 4th degree tear
75% were less likely to have an infection.
The Lancet 2020
We should be telling women this
From Caroline Flint
Tel: 07973 657 642
Student Midwives
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Midwifery Solutions

Draft Proposal to give to your head of midwifery
Here is a Proposal for you to give to your Head of Midwifery that you can cut and paste and change as necessary.
We the undersigned
Mercy Magwitch
Lorna Thomas
Janet Jonas
Mary Mitchell
Wish to offer our services to provide an Albany Type Practice to care for 150 women annually throughout pregnancy, labour and postnatally.
Starting in January 2023 we suggest recruiting pregnant women to this scheme immediately in order to have women on our books to care for from January 2023. We ask for a Senior Midwife to be allocated as our Mentor and Support. We suggest that she could provide support for 3-4 Groups of Midwives.
We would like to work with Miss Dibbs as our chosen Obstetrician, We would completely organise our own rota and would expect to give a Presentation of our Results every six months.
With several Groups of Newly Qualified Midwives working in this way we suggest that this could be a practical way of recruiting and retaining Midwifery Staff and providing excellent and empathetic care for women and their families.